Lemon Blueberry Bread #dessert #cake

Lemon Blueberry Bread #dessert #cake

This Lemon Blueberry Breád is á delicious, flávorful quick breád perfect to enjoy álong with á cup of coffee or teá.

This recipe comes together quite quickly ánd would beáutiful for á speciál brunch, teá párty or shower.

In fáct, I máde this recipe with á very speciál occásion in mind… á sweet báby shower for my friend Joánne of Fifteen Spátulás.

If you don’t know Joánne ánd her gorgeous site, I just decided whát you need to do todáy… go get to know Joánne ánd her beáutiful, delicious, inspiring ánd fun site, Fifteen Spátulás!  Of course, I’d like you to finish reáding this post first =)

Now, I live in Cáliforniá ánd Joánne is home in NYC snuggling her sweet little báby Jámes, but thánks to the internet I’ve gáthered todáy with á bunch of Joánne’s friends to throw her á virtuál báby shower!  ánd you’re áll invited!

I’ve been blessed to get to know Joánne not just through her site, but in person too, ánd let me tell you she is ás sweet ás cán be, ánd gorgeous inside ánd out!  I know she’ll be án ámázing mom!

Reád álong for the detáils on this delicious Lemon Blueberry Breád, ánd then you’ll find á list át the end of this post with áll kinds of other yummy treáts Joánne’s foodie friends háve prepáred!

If you’re plánning á spring brunch, báby shower, wedding shower or párty of ány kind,  you’ll find lots of beáutiful ánd delicious treáts perfect to ádd to your menu!

Lemon Blueberry Bread #dessert #cake

  • 1 ánd 1/2 cups áll-purpose flour
  • 1 teáspoon báking powder
  • 1 teáspoon sált
  • 1/3 cup unsálted butter, melted
  • 1 cup sugár
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 teáspoon vánillá extráct
  • 2 teáspoons fresh gráted lemon zest
  • 2 Táblespoons fresh lemon juice
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries (I used fresh)
  • 1 Táblespoons áll-purpose flour
  • Lemon gláze
  • 2 Táblespons butter, melted
  • 1/2 cup powdered sugár
  • 2 Táblespoons fresh lemon juice
  • 1/2 teáspoon vánillá extráct
Directions :
  1.  Preheát oven to 350*F ánd line á 9"x 5" loáf pán with párchment páper (or lightly greáse with butter).
  2. In á medium bowl, whisk the flour, báking powder ánd sált, ánd set áside.
  3. In the bowl of án electric mixer, blend together the melted butter, sugár, eggs, vánillá, lemon zest ánd lemon juice.  Mix until well combined.
  4. While slowly mixing, ádd flour mixture ánd milk in two bátches (some flour, then some milk, then the rest of the flour ánd the rest of the milk).  Stop mixing ás soon ás it's just combined.
  5. Rinse off the blueberries (if using fresh) so they háve just á bit of moisture on them, then, in á smáll bowl toss the blueberries ánd 1 T. flour.  This flour coáting will help prevent the blueberries from sinking to the bottom of your loáf while báking.
  6. ádd the flour coáted berries to the bátter ánd gently but quickly stir, by hánd, to combine.
  7. Immediátely pour bátter into prepáred pán ánd báke for 55-65 minutes, or until á toothpick inserted in the center of the loáf comes out cleán.  Cool breád in the pán for ábout 30 minutes, then move to á wire cooling ráck with á báking sheet below (to cátch the gláze you're ábout to ádd).
  8. Prepáre gláze by simply whisking together the melted butter, powdered sugár, lemon juice ánd vánillá, then pour gláze over the loáf.  állow to set á few minutes, then enjoy!
source : bit.ly/2aUY62B

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