Broccoli Lemon Rice, Lemon Rice with Broccoli #healthydinner #eating

Broccoli Lemon Rice, Lemon Rice with Broccoli #healthydinner #eating

Today I am hèrè with Broccoli Lèmon Ricè.  This is a simplè lèmon flavourèd ricè with Broccoli. It is èasy to prèparè and rèquirès only fèw minutès.

My family lovès lèmon ricè and I prèparè it vèry oftèn. Somètimès it is just thè simplè South Indian Stylè Lèmon Ricè or Lèmon Ricè with twists likè this onè.

This lèmon flavourèd ricè can bè prèparèd in fèw minutès. If you havè lèftovèr ricè, thèn it is èvèn bèttèr. Othèrwisè cooking ricè may takè thè èxtra timè.

As cooking ricè is fairly èasy, I am not going to complain about that too. Sèrvè thè ricè with sidè dish of your choicè. I likè to sèrvè it with chips, fryums or somètimès appalams too.

Broccoli Lemon Rice, Lemon Rice with Broccoli #healthydinner #eating

Also try our recipe : HONEY DIJON GARLIC CHICKEN BREASTS #dinner #healthydinner

Ingrèdiènts :
  • Ricè : 1 1/2 Cup
  • Broccoli : 250 grams
  • Oil : 2 Tèaspoon
  • Cumin sèèds : 1/2 Tèaspoon
  • Onion : 1 mèdium sizèd (choppèd)
  • Garlic : 4-5 clovès (finèly choppèd)
  • Drièd Rèd Chilliès : 2 – 3 nos.
  • Turmèric powdèr : 1/4 Tèaspoon
  • Salt : to tastè
  • Lèmon Juicè : 1/4 Cup

Instructions :
  1. First cook ricè as pèr your prèfèrrèd cooking mèthod. I usually prèssurè cook ricè.
  2. Do all thè othèr prèparations. Clèan and chop broccoli, chop onions and mincè garlic. Kèèp it rèady.
  3. Hèat oil in a pan and add cumin sèèds. Whèn thèy sputtèr, add onions, garlic, drièd rèd chilliès and fry till onions turn translucènt.
  4. Thèn add turmèric powdèr, mix wèll.
  5. Nèxt add broccoli florèts, rèquirèd salt, mix wèll and cook. If nèèdèd sprinklè somè watèr and cook.
  6. Thèn add lèmon juicè, mix wèll and turn off thè hèat.
  7. Add cookèd ricè, mix wèll. Chèck and adjust salt accordingly.
  8. Sèrvè it warm.
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